
Showing posts from December, 2020
75 yr old male farmer by occupation presented with altered sensorium to casuality around 4:30 hrs  As the clinical examination was done which showed hypoglycemia(around 22 mg/dl) was corrected with 3. 25 D and was soon regaining consciousness. Patients earliest recall of events started 20 days back while on his usual work in his field. Later in the afternoon after his lunch resumed the work harvesting the crop developed weakness inthe left arm and leg fell on the ground on further probing he said he was conscious all the time his daughter in law quickly called her husband and was taken to their home. Later in the evening, he received medication from a local doctor his weakness progressively increasing for 3 days He had slipage in the washroom. He was given herbal medication with an alternative day infections (unknown) for 6 days. At around 2:00pm on the day of presentation while he was sleeping developed profuse sweating he went for a nature call using support and was feeling gi

Medicine Assignment

Question 1) A 55 year old man with Recurrent Focal Seizures Detailed patient case report here: 1. What is the problem representation of this patient and what could be the anatomical site of lesion ? complaints of Unable to move his right upper limb since 9am yesterday recurrent episodes of seizures since 9 15am yesterday few minutes later he developed a sudden onset, tonic clonic seizures involving his right upper limb and lower limb lasting for 2 minutes following which he had another 8 episodes of focal  seizures involving his right upper limb and right lower limb with a 2 minutes of gap between each episode. During these episodes he had uprolling  of eyes and wasn’t followed by froth discharge from mouth or tongue bite or any involuntary micturation. He was in postictal confusion lasting for 40 minutes. He was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where he was given certain medications ( not documente